A full-scale replica of the
UPDATE: The X-15 mockup (originally built by North American for engineering studies) that was located for many years at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville is now on display at the Evergreen Aviation Museum.
Note: Previously displayed with markings for 66671,
Date: Summer, 2008
Photo by: Jurg Bolli
Older Images
With pilot Scott Crossfield.
This mockup was displayed at the EAA Museum in Oshkosh in 2001 and 2002. |
When this image was taken the slightly weather worn and damaged aircraft was in a maintenence area up on jacks (please no "You know you're a Redneck..." jokes).
Location: US Space & Rocket Center, Huntsville, AL
Date: June 20, 2002
Photo by: Jim Gerard
Former Locations
Last Updated on Thursday, October 16, 2008
A Field Guide to American Spacecraft
by Jim Gerard