First Stage: S-IB-11
Second Stage: S-IVB-?
Spacecraft: Mockup
This Saturn IB represents the tallest standing (real) rocket displayed in the United States, if not the world. The other Saturn IB at the KSC Visitor Complex is lying prone. The vehicle was brought here in the early 1980's as an encouragement for motorists to stop at the Welcome Center on their way to Florida. Interstate 65 leads directly to Huntsville, Alabama, home of the Saturn IB and Saturn V. The paint scheme is consistant with those of the Skylab and ASTP missions.
Location: Alabama Welcome Station
Image by: Jim Gerard
Date: July 13, 2007 |
"The image of the Saturn IB at the Alabama Welcome Center on I-65 was taken by me in the summer of '96, as you can tell, it was a awful day for photos. The "S-IVB" on that stack is not a flight article. In fact I don't know what it is exactlly, it's hard to discribe, there is a forward skirt but it's mounted, as I recall, upside down at the interstage, there is no aft skirt at all. John Duncan (The Apollo-Saturn Reference Page) thought it might be some type of S-IVB test article." --David Weeks
Last Modified on: Monday, July 30, 2007
A Field Guide to American Spacecraft
by Jim Gerard