This Little Joe II is poised on its launcher with boilerplate Apollo Capsule BP-22 complete with Escape Tower on board. By all appearance this is a composite vehicle with a LJ-II booster mated to Service Module SM-102(although the SM is lacking any RCMs) The booster is similar to the one that launched A-004.
It is my opinion that if you needed a generic picture of a rocket, the Little Joe 2 should be your choice. Everything about it just screams 'rocket'. From the massive fins to the corregated body to the delicate Apollo Launch Escape System, this is truly the archtype of '60's engineering. A close second (very, very close) is the Mercury Redstone, which sits beside her younger (but, bigger!) sister.
One should also note as you see Little Joe 2 and Mercury Redstone side by side that the Thrust from the solid motors on the Apollo LES is greater than that from the Redstone booster (but not as long a burn time).