FYI, this building (the "Cosmos" pavillion) is part of a much larger "theme park" celebrating Soviet scientific achievements. It was opened in
the mid 1960's to provide a Russian answer to the New York World's Fair. Each of the 20 or so buildings is about the size of a medium sized
dirigible hanger and at one time was jam packed with articles representing the state of the art for each field (astronautics, electronics, transpor-
tation, atomic energy, etc.) Unfortunately, most of the space has been converted to a sort of mall - the Cosmos pavillion is now a GM car dealership. You can see in the second image how most of the exhibits have been pushed to the back. In addition to the ASTP, you can also
see a Vostok capsule similar to the one Yuri Gagarin used and a limited bit of other space junk.
--Rob vanGiessen
NOTE-- The CM in this image may NOT be CM-098, but a model. If any European AFGAS readers have any information on this or other Russian displays, please let me know.